June 30th - Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump & Frank's Slide


No lessons today! Today was busy and full of adventure for all the students! Our first stop was at Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump. Some went for a hike and were able to see the grounds where the buffalo stampeded over and they were shocked with the height of the cliff! In addition, they even got to go inside a teepee! Other students were archaeologists for the day, uncovering rocks and fossils together. Two students, Avery and Adam received prizes for presenting their findings to the whole group!After being archaeologist and buffalo hunters, we went to Frank's Slide. This is where a hundred years ago, a rock slide buried a whole town! All the students spent time climbing over the rocks and exploring the area together. Afterward we stopped for dinner at a small lake, making salads and sausages all together. Everyone played volley-ball and soccer, with a few balls going into the lake (all were retrieved safely) and laughed about how cold the water was.We're all heading home now and excited to celebrate Canada Day tomorrow![AFG_gallery id='569']