July 26, 2017 - Arrival Day - Migrating Pacific Salmon


What an exciting arrival day! The first student arrived bright and early at 7am. Slowly but surely over the next few hours students trickled in. A few students toured the cafeteria while waiting for their new friends to arrive. They tried out the salad bar and one student tried perogies for the first time.Next our friends on the road trip arrived in style on the big yellow bus. We mingled and chatted while we nibbled on sandwiches since some of us were hungry.Then our newest friends from Germany, Czech Republic, Spain, and Japan flew in and we greeted them with arms wide open. After the last few students arrived we all joined each other on the bus to go to bowling. Most of the students were surprised to try 5 pin bowling for the first time. They loved it!After bowling and bonding time we returned to our new UBC home for a well deserved nights rest to combat our jetlag/camping fatigue.[AFG_gallery id='669']