Thumping Snowshoe Hares! - July 7th, 2017 - Canoeing


Today was amazing! Our morning started out as usual with our breakfast groups followed by lessons. Afterwards, we all came together for a fun art workshop on the Northern Lights. We learned about how the beautiful and colourful lights are formed by solar flares reacting with gases in the atmosphere. The workshop was a great way to show off all the students' creative skills, they all painted a clay polar bear which they will be taking home with them. After the art lesson we headed over to Happy Hut for a good meal, before setting off for a fun-filled day of activities.It was a perfect sunny day for outdoor activities! In the afternoon, we made our way to the Calgary Canoe Club where we canoed and played baseball. We warmed up our inner baseball player by throwing and catching. Then we played a friendly game of ball, and scored some home-runs! Before we went onto the water we learnt about water safety and grabbed a safety vest. Everyone did a great job paddling and working together as a team.After all that running around playing baseball and paddling in the canoes, we all needed some food. We went to Denny's for dinner, the food was super tasty! There was a lot of laughter and talking during dinner and even more of it when we went roller skating!Roller skating was really fun, there was upbeat music and cool decorations in the arena, like laser lights! This made for a good time!Once we got back to campus, the students broke off into groups and discussed what meals to make for our International Dinner. We are excited to see what they chose![AFG_gallery id='584']