June 15 - Kayaking, Casino Night & Baseball


We started the day off bright and early today with delicious breakfast which included delicious fruit and crispy bacon prepared by our teachers! Then, we had a quick rundown of our residence by our good friend Anil. He has enjoyed hosting Wynchemna campers for many years and his residence staff is marvellous.After, the teachers were challenged with a French placement exam. Some teachers did better than others and it was hilarious to see the creativity and effort from the teachers that did not speak French. Then, we worked together to prepare a delicious lunch of chicken, rice, spring rolls and loads of vegetables and fruit. We then went to the Calgary Canoe Club for some kayaking. We all got down to the Glenmore Reservoir which... fun fact is Calgary's main source of drinking water so we didn't jump in, though one of our teachers fell in while trying to get out. It was a gorgeous day on the water with no breeze, and Shaima did really well for her first time in a kayak. We had a lot of fun learning how to use the paddle and practiced making rafts.[AFG_gallery id='561']Afterwards we walked to a park to play a great game of baseball. We were so hungry after and got some delicious pasta and pizza at Mrs. Vanelli's. At night, we got all dressed up for casino night. We played a variety of card games and set some bets with our wad of Wynchemna cash. We played Bingo, Black Jack, Spoons and Poker. At the end, there were multiple awesome prizes in the auction, but we can't reveal what they were!