Laughing Sea Lions - August 4, 2015 - Metrotown and a Night at the Movies


A well-deserved break was in store for our adventurous Sea Lions! Classes today had students finishing their Wynchemna TV projects and expanding their minds with lessons on fashion, poetry, and consumerism. Students hurried through their lunches with excitement for the hours of shopping ahead of them at Metrotown- yeah, gifts! With their bags of souvenirs for family and friends weighing them down, the students completed their relaxing day with a night at the movies. Each student chose what film they wanted to view and shared their opinions of the films after…Jurassic World- rated 4 stars out of 5 - never gets old.Minions- rated 4 out of 5 - cute and funny, so-so ending.Pixels- rated  3.5 out of 5 - could be funnier. [AFG_gallery id='361']