Marmots the Champions of Kayaking and Canadian Football!


Today was another amazing and exciting day for the Marmots! They woke up at bright and early at 9:30am and had a delicious breakfast full of nutritious and yummy food. After being fed some brain food, the Marmots split into their lesson groups for their english lessons of the day. Each lesson was full of lots of English and of course lots of fun!In the afternoon, the Marmots ran over to the lake to go kayaking! They were all complete naturals gliding their way through the water! They also got to see many different types of marine animals well expertly gliding their way through the water.After Kayaking, the Marmots experienced what it is like to play Canadian Football! They practiced throwing, passing, and many other drills! Each Marmot was starving after football was completed so we scurried over to North Hill Mall for an amazing dinner full of laughter and fun.At the end of the night the Marmots got to try their hand at singing karaoke. The crowd pleaser of the night was “See You Again” bringing a tear to everyone's eyes. Finishing of the night on such a high note the Marmots had some time at the end of the night to call home and tell their parents about another amazing day here at Wynchemna![AFG_gallery id='831']