Paddling River Otters - June 29th, 2018 - Bowling and First Day of Lessons!


What a great day, we started with our breakfast rooms, I heard one group even had homemade waffles from Greg and Addy. What a treat! Then we started our new lessons where we learned new things in English with our teachers. The lessons were fun, then we went down for lunch in Happy Hut. Having filled ourselves with delicious food and ready for the afternoon we got on the bus and took of for bowling.Everyone got in the completive spirit as bowling balls went rolling down the alley and pins went flying. Some of us did better than others, some a had few gutter balls but at the end of the day it was lots of fun. After we had dinner at friendly Vanelli's. We had pasta and salad, it was so good.In the evening, when we made it back to the residence, we learned a traditional Alberta dance, Cadillac Ranch Dance. Everyone got to break out their moves to the catchy country music. The night ended with a dance-off between the two teams. Now we know how to join the locals in dancing at Stampede.[AFG_gallery id='749']