Paddling River Otters - June 30th, 2018 - Buffalo Jump and Frank Slide


Today we had quite a full day of fun with everyone! First we started with breakfast rooms as we had some special teachers come visit. Adam, Sam and Bacon made this morning extra special! After breakfast we loaded into the bus for drive down into Southern Alberta to visit Head-Smashed in Buffalo Jump. We spilt into two groups to learn about the history of the jump and some of us tried excavating some artifacts from the First Nations people. The UNESCO world site was a treat as we enjoyed lunch and the beautiful view together. After we piled back in the bus and travelled a bit farther south to the site of Frank slide. We explored the rubble and then headed over to picturesque lake to enjoy some hot dogs! We played volleyball and football, and even saw a rainbow. What a perfect day! We were all ready for bed by the time we arrived back at SAIT, ready for the adventures the next day held.[AFG_gallery id='750']