Pouncing forest lynxes - July 9th, 2018 - Kayaking, Shopping, and Movies


Happy Monday everyone! Today we woke up early and walked over to the Stampede breakfast, where they had live country music along with free pancakes with maple syrup, sausages, and eggs! We walked around talking to some locals and asked them about the Stampede culture. After breakfast, some of the students went back to the Calgary Canoe Club and learned how to kayak. Things went swimmingly! The other half of the students had a lesson but will get a chance to kayak tomorrow. We then made our way to the Chinook mall for lunch, and had choices between Greek or Asian food. Afterwards we browsed around the mall for a few hours, and made a bunch of great purchases. At around 4 O'clock, we head over to the movie theatre and watched the newest Jurassic World movie, it was super suspenseful! We ended the night by celebrating Gabriele's birthday with some cake, he turned 16 today! We really shopped until we dropped today, thank goodness we get to sleep in tomorrow![AFG_gallery id='764']