Roaring Coyotes - July 29 2015 - Canadian Badlands


The Roaring Coyotes went exploring in the Canadian Badlands today!After morning lessons and lunch, the bus headed out for Drumheller, the Dinosaur Capital of Canada. First we hiked around the historic Horseshoe Canyon, exploring the amazing landscape left behind from melting glacier turned rivers from long ago.Then the Coyotes browsed the world's largest dinosaur museum, Alberta's Royal Tyrrell Museum, and saw some really cool fossils and exhibits!We went swimming after the museum where the students swung, dove, slid, splashed and relaxed in the pool and hot tub.We ended our evening with a yummy barbecue dinner and headed back to the campus with our bellies full and tired out from our T-riffic day!![AFG_gallery id='337']