July 3rd - Rollerblading Our Heart Out!


A day of firsts for many of our students! Today there was lots of lessons in the morning, along with doing laundry. Now doing laundry may not seem very exciting but one of our students was very excited to be washing their clothes all by themselves for the first time! After all the lessons were done and the laundry clean and put away we all packed onto the bus to go to the movies! There was four options but The Boss Baby was clearly the crowd favourite with over half of our students asking to go see it! Everyone was excited to grab popcorn and snacks before heading into their movie and debating on where the best seats were.After the movies we all went for dinner at Denny's. The food was delicious and a favourite restaurant for many of the students so far at Wynchemna. Our next and final activity of the day was Rollerblading. So many of our students were so nervous heading in because they had never been before. But they were all smiles once they started! They were all dancing and loving the music and lights at the rink. Many left the place saying that it was their favourite activity so far and that they want to go again! We returned tired and happy to residence, all heading to bed and looking forward to all we get to do tomorrow![AFG_gallery id='572']