Cackling Canada Geese - July 4th, 2017 - Shopping and Games


Today we had a very exciting day fun day full of games, activities and new friends! We started the day in our breakfast rooms where we fuelled ourselves with delicious waffles and maple syrup! The morning was busy as everybody learned lots of fun English in their lessons. Once everybody had gotten their fill of lessons, we were very excited to visit the mall for lots of…SHOPPING! Clothing, souvenirs and Starbucks were all purchased. It was definitely exciting for everybody to see all the Canadian stores and brands! In the meantime, many friendly new faces were arriving at Wynchemna!New students arrived and got settled in their rooms, where they would meet their new roommates. When everybody returned from the mall, we had a scrumptious pizza dinner, where everybody got to meet and mingle. We then played a very intense game of dodgeball where everybody ran their hearts out! Our student of the day was Adam, who showed great initiative by interacting with everybody, always with a big smile on his face! After the long day, it was time for lights-out, ready for a great new day together to follow![AFG_gallery id='573']