Humming Owls -- July 7, 2014


We decided to change things up a little this morning and head outside to experience a tiny part of the Calgary Stampede with the Stampede Breakfast at a nearby mall. There were flapjacks (pancakes), real cowboys, live country music, a world-class marching band, pony rides and a petting zoo, and tons people wearing plaid and cowboy hats!! The students were able to interview local Calgary residents and volunteers at the Stampede about their experiences from previous years and what they liked most about the annual festival -- one student spoke with a volunteer who had been helping with the Stampede for over 30 years!!!After our adventurous breakfast, we had a good first lesson before a quick lunch and then we headed off to play some American baseball and try canoeing! Baseball is not the most popular sport in Canada (hockey takes the cake), but once we started playing a game, we really warmed up to it and had a blast! For canoeing, we had a beautiful sunny day and the water was calm -- perfect for a relaxing paddle around the reservoir.Following our afternoon activities, we had a little taste of Italy at Vanelli’s, before finishing our day with two more lessons and some free time before bed.[AFG_gallery id='138']