Singing Water Loons - 22 July 2017 - Singing Sand Loons


Morning lessons went swimmingly, I mean, we are the Singing Water Loons, who are sometimes loony, but always ready to learn! Though we only had two in the morning, having to rush off for activities.Our raft of loons once again divided, some to rock climb once again, and others to hit the beach volleyball courts.Our last trip to the Calgary Climbing Centre taught us loons how to climb and belay so today we were ready to just hit those walls. Climbing did not scare us Loons today, rather they set new goals, to reach even higher, and boy-o did they do that!But other our half-raft of Loons stayed down to Earth, in hot sand, to play some Beach Volleyball. Their toes dug deep, and they stretched out long, diving to save their rallies, playing as hard as they could. At the end of their games, they were cover in sand, earning another name again: the Singing Sand Loons.A last lesson and board games in the evening ended our Saturday - that's what you call a party at Wynchemna![AFG_gallery id='654']