Soaring Monarch Butterflies - July 10th, 2017 - Drumheller


Today was our second day at Wynchemna and it was so busy!We started our morning by having breakfast with our breakfast groups where we cooked and ate bacon, eggs, toast, and fruit together. We talked about our favourite parts of yesterday and then were off to our first day of lessons! We had so much fun learning and practicing English in our classes. We then ate lunch and were so happy to be eating rice, meat, chicken and fruits!After our lunch we got on the bus and headed to Horseshoe Canyon. We loved the views and got to hike through the canyon, it was difficult in some areas but we had fun and felt proud when we finished the hike. We all ate watermelon and then went for an art lesson in Drumheller. We painted ceramic polar bears the colours of the Northern lights, we were told we might get to see the Northern lights when we go camping, we can't wait!We then went to the Royal Tyrell Museum where we got to learn all about the dinosaurs that roamed the earth and saw their bones. We had so much fun going through the different exhibits in the museum learning about the land and sea animals.We then had a Barbecue in the park where we had Canadian hamburgers and hot dogs! It was so yummy. We played soccer and Canadian football in the park before heading home. We were so played out we went straight to bed, we can't wait for all the fun that will come tomorrow![AFG_gallery id='597']