Splashing, Snapping Turtles - August 13, 2017 - Gliding and Sliding!


Our little turtles got to splash around, skate, and play in the gym during our afternoon at the Southland Recreational Centre. We had a later breakfast today, which all of the kids loved! After having a good hearty breakfast we had our first lesson and then headed off to the athletic centre for our first sports activities of the day: skating, badminton and basketball.To make sure we had enough time for everyone to enjoy all the activities we split up into two groups. After an hour we switched groups, then walked over to the school across the street and had a picnic lunch on the playground.After refuelling with a great lunch, our turtles were ready to splash around in the wave pool and go on the water slides! Everyone was laughing and having an amazing time. This good attitude and spirit was present during our later two lessons and at dinner as well, it was so great to see the students mixing and mingling![AFG_gallery id='737']