Splashing Snapping Turtles - July 28, 2017 - Bowling and Kareoke


Today was a fun-filled day! We started off in our breakfast rooms again and had some delicious meals of bacon, eggs and waffles with maple syrup, mmmmmm! Then, we had three awesome english lessons with our new classes. We had so much fun with our teachers getting to know each other and doing engaging activities!After the morning we fuelled ourselves up with some lunch which included: rice noodles, shrimp and lots of veggies! We then played a few fun group games together such as telephone and headbands. Then, the turtles headed to Mountain View Bowling to try five-pin bowling. For some of us, it was our first time and we were rocking with a bunch of strikes and spares!We then headed to Safeway, a grocery store nearby to buy food to cook supper together. We went along with our breakfast groups to search for the ingredients we needed. We walked back to SAIT and got to see more of beautiful Calgary. When we got back, we helped each other out to make delicious meals of Macaroni and Cheese with Bacon, Spaghetti and Meatballs, and Lasagna and garlic bread! All of our groups brought our food out to the common area for a PASTA PARTY!! We ate until our stomachs were all full and then got ready for some karaoke. We were nervous at first but once the familiar awesome songs started to play, we were singing our hearts out and having so much fun that we did not want to go to sleep!We awarded Kevin as the student of day for having such a positive attitude, speaking lots of english and helping around all day![AFG_gallery id='676']