Splashing Snapping Turtles - July 30th, 2017 - Splashing and Shopping


What an exciting day today was! Our morning started off early with breakfast at 8:30am. We needed to fuel ourselves with some yummy waffles and bacon because today we were going...SHOPPING! We hopped on the bus and headed to West Edmonton Mall - the biggest mall in North America! We had a delicious burger lunch and then split up into groups.Some of us were ready to have fun at the waterpark (that's right, there's a waterpark in the mall) so we got dressed in our swimsuits. We got to explore the many waterslides and wave pools and had a splashing time!Others ventured through the mall to explore the hundreds of shops and kiosks. Our arms got heavy with the many bags and items that were purchased, and at the end of the day it was a successful shopping session. In the evening, we got back onto the bus and headed back to Calgary. What a day! Leon and Andrés were named students of the day! Yay![AFG_gallery id='692']