Teacher Orientation - June 15th 2016


It was 11:30 PM on Wednesday June 15th, fourteen new English teachers were finally heading to bed after a long day. Excited, nervous, optimistic, exhausted and intrigued are all emotions that could be used to describe each teacher throughout the day. As the teachers finally scurried off to bed, with only a taste of what lay ahead of them, they finally got some rest.Rewind 12 hours. Official check-in was between noon and one. The few teachers who arrived early coordinated the check-in. Everything went smoothly and before long these fourteen strangers quickly became acquainted and would soon become the best of friends.After everyone settled in and the awkward small talk developed into interesting conversation, Adara led the group to rock climbing. Adara, being a Calgary local, knew the route which was a short walk from SAIT. Everyone in the group managed to get at least half way up the wall. On the way back the group walked a lovely route through the park, which offered breathtaking views of the city and mountains.The evening was filled with information and guidance from former Wynchemna staff, Kyle and Amanda. They answered everyone’s questions and then some. After this new found knowledge the teachers felt confident and hopeful. I wonder if anyone will remember how they felt today, before they embarked on the best summer of their lives.[AFG_gallery id='384']