Yelping Red Foxes - Baseball, Kayaking - July 28th, 2016


Today we had a busy morning. After our breakfasts in our breakfast apartments, we had classes and did our laundry in the expansive laundry facilities in the SAIT residence basement. We had our catered 'Happy Hut' lunch and headed out on the bus to the Calgary Canoe Club and park to go kayaking and play baseball.The students had a kayak lesson given by the instructors at the Calgary Canoe Club. They grabbed their life jackets and got in the water with their kayaks and paddles right away. Some of us got splashed a little, but it was a beautiful, sunny day and the water was nice and cool. We played some games and did some races in the kayaks.Next, we went to the field park to learn how to play baseball. Noah, an English teacher and talented athlete, coached the students on the rules of the game, how to throw a baseball, catch a baseball and how to hit a baseball with the baseball bat. We played a fun game and there were even some home runs! The students who play baseball on a team back at home were great at helping their teammates learn the sport.We took the bus from the park to the Market Mall for dinner. We ate tacos and St Bourbon Street Grill in the cafeteria and had a few minutes of free time to go around the mall before we went back home. That night, some students got to play a mystery card game called 'Werewolf,' which was kindly lent to us by one of our students. It was a lot of fun. At the end of the day, we were all every tired, but we are looking forward to a bit of a later breakfast tomorrow morning.[AFG_gallery id='498']Clip59DSCN3880