Bobcats play basketball

Our first full day at Wynchemna is officially completed! We started off the day in our new breakfast rooms where we all helped each other prepare a meal and learned more about our apartments. After breakfast our new pals from Mexico and Taiwan completed their check-in after a long night of traveling. Soon we made our way outside to the lawn to play human bingo. We got to know our new friends' names and answer so many questions about ourselves. Later, we had our very first lunch at the cafeteria; there were steak sandwiches, home-made pizza, and some of us even tried Pad Thai. When lunch was finished, we took our placements to get ready for lessons tomorrow. Then we had a blast playing basketball and hockey at the community centre. Our teachers showed all of us how to hold a hockey stick and shoot at the net. As our day was coming to a close, we ate at Famous wok for dinner and spent some time shopping at Market Mall. After the mall, we all had just enough energy left to celebrate Jim and Jason’s birthday with the happy birthday song in our home languages, presents and cake. 

We definitely had a busy day and we are looking forward to our first English lessons in the morning.