Camping in the Rockies August 1st - August 7th

What an extraordinary time the Bobcats had camping in the Canadian Rockies! Each day was filled with exciting new adventures and activities. We woke up each morning with the most beautiful view of the mountains!

Day 1: Today was a super busy day as the bobcats packed and cleaned their apartments in preparation for our camping trip! All students were very helpful which was awesome and helped the process go super smoothly! Once we were all packed, we loaded the bus for our 1 hour and 45 minute drive to our campsite at Pocaterra. The Bobcats were in awe as we discovered the beauty of the mountains and creek right beside our campsite! After unloading all of our sleeping bags, tents and groceries, the students went on a mission to find the perfect spot to set up their tent, while supper was being made. For dinner we had delicious chicken souvlaki, veggie rolls, chilli and garlic bread, and fruit! We ended the night with a nice and warm fire, singing campfire songs and sharing stories.

Day 2:  Today the bobcats had an early start as we loaded the bus at 7:30am. On the bus students had croissants with Nutella along with a variety of healthy snacks. We took a journey to lake Louise first where some of our students hopped off to go for a hike and horse back riding! The rest of the students stayed on the bus for their long ride up to the Colombian Ice-fields for an ice tour of the Athabaskan patch. It was loads of fun and the students enjoyed their time making memories, learning new things and laughing with each other. They even saw some wildlife such as bears and mountain goats! After a long day of adventuring we for pizza in Canmore before making our way back to the campsite for another fire to end our second day of camping.

Day 3: This day was a more relaxing day as we spent the day at the campsite! Students were stoked to sleep in as breakfast wasn’t until 10. For breakfast we had breakfast sandwiches with Canadian bacon. It was delicious! After breakfast the bobcats enjoyed some friendly competition playing capture the flag which broke into a water fight started by the teachers! Everyone was super hungry after running around so we had burgers for lunch and took some time to relax. Then we played wynchemna style olympics. Each tent group competed in various games such as horse shoe toss, slack line, badminton, and log toss. It was lots of fun! We wrapped the day off with dinner and a fire.

Day 4: The day started off with a  delicious breakfast of raisin bread French toast, bananas and blueberries. After our meal we were off to hike the Chester lake trail. The bobcats took on the 2 hour one way hike to make it to the beautiful lake at the top where we had sandwiches. At the lake some students chose to go in the cold water and swim while others relaxed in the rocks taking in the amazing scene. We took the hike back down and went back to the campsite for some soft tacos! What a great day!

Day 6: The day started off with a quick bowl of cereal for breakfast as the Bobcats prepared for their big adventure for the day. Today, students were able to try mountain biking, some for the first time! It was so fun and many students discovered they love mountain biking while others realized its not their thing. We also took a nice short hike up to troll falls to see the beautiful water fall at the end. The day concluded with some pasta for dinner

Day 7: Today, students woke up to a lovely breakfast of chocolate chip and blueberry pancakes made by their teachers. After breakfast they packed their swimsuit, hat and towel and loaded the bus for a fun beach day! Despite the rainy weather, students had so much fun paddle boarding, swimming, nd hanging out in the bus. Some students even played bus Volleyball where the bus was the net! After an amazing day of fun we had ribs and spaghetti for dinner then spent time around the campfire for our last night of camping!