Caribou Camping Trip!

We have all survived a 7 day camping trip full of activities and fun!

Day one we arrived at the campsite that was situated beside a beautiful mountain at the Pocaterra Group Campsite. Once we arrived we set up our tents and started cooking our first meal as a group. Durring the trip we had some students take on the role of head chef. It was always all hands on deck for meal time.

Day two we hopped on the bus and drove to Banff. In Banff we had a picnic at a park for lunch before sending the students off to enjoy the town and explore the shops. The students enjoyed the area and came back with many souvenirs.

Day three was spent mountain biking and hiking to a waterfall. All of our student are now certified bikers as they can navigate bridges, rocks, up hill, and down hill obstacles. One group started with biking while the other group went hiking. Before switching activities the students enjoyed a river side lunch of noodles, cheese, crackers, fruit, and vegetables. At the end of the day we packed up the bikes and headed back to our campsite for dinner.

Day four was a long and fun day. We woke up early and had a quick breakfast so that we could get to Lake Louise. We dropped our first group of students off at Lake Louise where they were able to horse back ride around the lake and see stunning views. The second group stayed on the bus and made the scenic drive to the Columbian Ice Fields. At the ice fields the students hopped on the mighty Ice Explore which drove them up to the glacier. Once at the glacier students explored and drank the ancient water. Then it was time to head back to the camp.

Day five was spent at the camp where we had our very own camping olympics. The students competed in their tent groups to earn points. We played big group games like Flags and Sardines. We also played small games like lawn bowling, jackpot, and volleyball. Day six was spent relaxing at the lake. Student swam, paddle boarded, kayaked, and ate some great food. The evening activity was a campfire where all the students gathered around and sang songs. Like a blink of an eye it was day seven and the students had to pack up and head back to Calgary.