Laughter, Tears, and Wholesome Goodbyes
Our summer here at Wynchemna has unfortunately come to an end. The Bobcats had such an extraordinary time making memories that will last a lifetime! Today we said our farewells and safe travels to our friends from around the world. With photos, experiences, souvenirs, and friends, we will continue to remember the summer of 2023 for years to come. We will look back on this summer as an experience of a lifetime! For most of our students, their journey back home began today. It was difficult saying goodbye to our new friends with many tears and hugs, but students made promises of staying in touch, visiting each other, and even plans of travel to visit one another in the near future. Although our time here together has come to an end, we can’t wait to hear of new adventures, stories, and to see students back at such an amazing camp next summer! We wish you safe travels on your way home and we as teachers had such the pleasure of teaching and learning with each and every single one of you this year!