Lessons, and shopping, and movies, oh my!

Today was a fun day that had so many students cheering! We had a fantastic start to our day with breakfast. A huge favourite amongst Wynchemna students is always waffles with Nutella. The toasters are working their hardest on any Wynchemna morning! In lessons today, some students learned about each others countries and cultural traditions. Such an amazing opportunity to share with one another that truly only happens here at camp. After our lessons we headed to the mall! The students were so excited to go shopping. Some bought gifts for their families and friends, others treated themselves to some new clothes, and some bought games and fun activities to use during our camping week, we even treated ourselves to a couple haircuts. Not every students loves to shop till they drop, so we had a fun movie in the middle of shopping time. Some students when to watch Top Gun, and others enjoyed seeing Thor. Such great new movies full of comedy, action, and suspense. When we were finished our shopping, the students got to try a new dish, shawarma! It was a delicious end to a great day. Some students even chose to nap on the bus ride home, they were so tired after so much excitement!