Hockey Night in Canada: Scavenger Hunt Edition

The day kicked off with some delicious breakfast, bacon, yogurt, and waffles. We then headed to the study hall to take our English placement exams. Students dialed in and wrote away, a very strong group! Afterwards we moved next door to the dining hall for some amazing miso ramen and tasty eats. Despite the rain, students were determined to play the beautiful Canadian game of hockey. It was an intense match that went back and forth. Teacher Taiga’s team drew first blood, Teacher Zeff’s team followed with a nice slap shot to add onto the scoreboard. It was a close game as teams cleared their zone and pushed on forward on offence. However the defence was just as strong and resisted the attack. Team Taiga ended the game with a beautiful wrister that went bardownski. An exciting battle left them hungry for more, and an army cannot fight on an empty stomach. So we headed to North Hill Mall for some savoury Italian cuisine. The battle finished but the war was just about to begin. Next up, the Scavenger hunt! Campers “scavenged” the SAIT campus for clues and hints while exploring the local area. The prize? Chocolate. This all culminated with some announcements including student of the day: Pavel. He embodied a great camper, talked to everyone, and was a team player. We look forward to what tomorrow brings us!