Super Sunny Sunday - T-shirts, Songs, dance and outdoor games!!!!!!

Another incredible day in Calgary!!! Today we started off with some fantastic lessons. We learned about Canadian holidays, English phonetics, examining dreams while others presented their t-shirt creation !!!!!

Our afternoon activities included lunch at Vanelli’s and we stuffed ourselves with wonderful pizza, pasta, chicken, fruit and Caesar salad! Then the students went into teams in preparation for camping. These teams got to show their creativity by making  team t-shirts, songs, dances.

Later, to entertain ourselves we watched each other present our cool songs and dances. Everyone sang wonderfully, it was so much fun to hear the presentations and song and dance from each group!!

To end off this fantastic day, we played outdoor games such as tug-a-war, water relays and the hose challenge. We had a thrilling water balloon fight!! Many students gave teachers showers from the water!!!!!

Tomorrow will be just as fun as today with our talent show coming up, and we are starting to prepare for the phenomenal camping trip in 2 days!!!!!!!!!