Talent Show Excellence!

The Bobcats had a blast of a day. It was our last full day before camping which had everyone extra excited. We started off the day in our Breakfast groups for the second last time! We then did pre-camping laundry where we shared lots of laughs. After that we had are lessons where we wrote articles of the Wynchemna newspaper. Some students wrote about their favourite moments, others wrote about what they learned and some even did interviews. After that we made comic strips of our favourite Wynchemna moment so far. It turns out we have many talented artists amongst the group! We then cleaned our rooms and packed for camping. After we had chicken, veggie and beef burgers for dinner. We then had the main event of the day the Wynchemna talent show of 2023. We saw many different types of performances including singing, playing guitar, playing piano, comedy, dance, fashion and even science! Our judges loved all the performances! It was a very entertaining night that will stick in our head for a long time. What a fun day and tomorrow will be just as amazing with the Bobcats leaving for camping!