Shopping at Metrotown and Movie Night!

This morning we woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed. We skipped over to the cafeteria for a breakfast of pancakes, blueberries, fresh fruit and yogurt. Then we had some very intriguing lessons about unique Canadian food, storytelling, techniques, and metaphors and similes. After that we had a yummy lunch that consisted of chicken rice, and roasted vegetables. Later on we piled into the bus and headed to the mall. Students enjoyed picking from a wide variety of Canadian stores so that they could pick nice souvenirs for their families. We ate supper which consisted of Greek food and pad Thai. Finally, we ended the day by going to a Canadian movie theater. He chose to watch either Haunted mansion, Barbie, or Mission Impossible. Students enjoyed watching these awesome movies in English. It was a late night traveling back to residence, but students were so happy for a nice full day of activities.