Bellowing Buffalo - August 9, DRUMHELLER


Wynchemna’s day at Drumheller, always a great time, and always makes great memories.We began with a hike through Horseshoe Canyon. All the Bellowing Buffalo trampled through the valleys and crags. It rained the day before so we got really muddy, but getting down and dirty is part of the adventure! So, with dirty shoes, we saw beautiful landscapes, and had a great hike.After the canyon we went into the pool. It refreshingly cooled our bodies after the hike. But, as always, the Buffalo had to bellow and we got into some fun and games in the water.We had barbecue after swimming and filled up on some classics - burgers and hot dogs - before going to see the ancients - the dinosaurs at the Royal Tyrell Museum. Sandi saw her favourite dinosaur, the Stegosaurus. The exhibits were awesome, just like the dinosaurs themselves.Our bodies exhausted and our brains exhilarated, we took the long bus ride home, smiling about the day we just had and knowing tomorrow could be just as good, especially since we’re at Wynchemna.[AFG_gallery id='218']