Chattering Wapitis – July 9, 2015 – Stampede Breakfast & Tent Games


We started off our morning bright and early today, and fueled up with a Stampede breakfast of pancakes, sausages and of course, maple syrup. We watched various performances by country singers, a marching band, a baton team, Aboriginal dancers and more! In line, students chatted with local Calgarians and asked them questions about Canada. We went back home for lessons, lunch and preparation for our big camping trip! Tent groups were made and new friendships were formed as the kids competed against each other in their teams. Various wacky stations were set up, including water balloon toss, sponge races, dizzy bat, and tug-of-war. Everyone had a great time and the Moose team came out victorious! We then prepped our equipment for camping and had a yummy pizza dinner, then presented team songs/chants for the tent groups. The songs were very entertaining![AFG_gallery id='258']