Hooting Snowy Owls/Hissing Prairie Rattlesnakes - Sulphur Mountain - July 3, 2016


Today, we headed to beautiful Banff to hike Sulphur Mountain. After a delicious breakfast with our groups, we hopped on the bus and hit the road. The 90-minute drive flew by as the students and teachers sang songs and played games. After arriving at the base of the mountain, we enjoyed a delicious picnic lunch. For dessert, we shared a cake in honour of Guiseppe's 15th birthday.Rising 2,451 metres above sea level, Sulphur Mountain can be a challenging climb. But the students and teachers made it to the summit in record time, giving us plenty of time to take in the stunning views. After snapping many pictures, we hopped on the gondola and headed down the mountain. But before we hopped on the bus to head back to Calgary, we stopped in at the hot springs and took a much-needed dip.We were excited to head to Boston Pizza for dinner, where we enjoyed copious amounts of their namesake dish, before heading home for some well-earned sleep.[AFG_gallery id='395']P7030253