Hooting Snowy Owls/ Hissing Prairie Rattle snakes - English Examination, Bowling, Swimming - June 28th, 2016


Today marked the true beginning of camp at Wynchemna. At 9 AM students attended their first daily breakfast prepared by the teachers. At breakfast the teachers informed the students of the rules for living in residence. Together the students and teachers cleaned up their kitchens and put the food away.After breakfast everyone gathered in the lobby and braced for the English exam. At first the students were nervous, but they all completed the oral and written exam with relative ease. As they finished their exams some went outside to work on their handstands, while others stayed inside playing cards.Once all of the students finished their exams they enjoyed lunch at NINES, the campus restaurant. Students chose from a variety of international menu options, ranging from lasagna and salad to Reuben sandwiches and french fries. Back at residence another wave of teachers arrived from across Canada for their orientation.After lunch, the teachers and students gathered on the yellow school bus and departed to their first activity destination. 25 minutes later and the group arrived at the bowling alley. Initial reports suggested that most of the students had either bowled few times or never before. However once the final scores were recorded, one would think that a professional bowling league had just played.Luckily after things heated up in the bowling alley, the next destination was the wave pool. For those that didn't want to swim, an impromptu game of basketball emerged. The swimmers changed into their swimming suit and completed a swimming test. The two priorities at the swimming pool were safety and fun. Between the waterslides, diving board and wave pool it was no easy feat getting the kids back on the bus at 730.The group travelled to Boston Pizza for dinner, where they were delighted by a pasta dish. Dinner went longer than planned as conversations sprouted and continued throughout the restaurant.The group was noticeably tired, but there was one more surprise before everyone went to bed. The students and teachers gathered together, as Tommy was present student of the day for holding doors for others and Dominika was given a trophy for recording the highest score in bowling. Josh wrapped up the evening with a talk about multiculturalism and the students went off to bed.Needless to say, calm and quiet will not be found on the SAIT campus and throughout the city of Calgary, for the next 4 weeks[AFG_gallery id='390']