Hooting Snowy Owls/Hissing Prairie Rattlesnakes - Basketball and Hockey - June 29


As the first day of lessons approached, the teachers were eager to finish breakfast. The students nervously ate, not knowing what to expect in their first class at Wynchemna. As breakfast came to a close and the dishes were washed the students got a little more excited. As the lessons commenced each teacher started their class with a game to get to know the class better. Each teacher brought their own flare to their classes. The children were in awe listening to the different ways to learn English, and with each lesson learning more and more. They enriched their English after only one day!The kids had lunch at the cafeteria on SAIT campus, getting to try new Canadian foods like a toasted peanut butter and banana sandwich. They ate and talked together bonding over the English they had learned just moments earlier in the classroom. Excited to go back to class after lunch, the students walked back to SAIT and found their next classrooms with their smiling teachers awaiting them patiently.After finishing their last lesson of the day, the students had free time to prepare themselves to play basketball and road hockey. The bus ride was full of surprises as conversations started from each pair of students. The students mingled and learned about different cultures and cemented their new friends.When arriving at the outdoor arena the students hit the court and took turns cheering on their teammates from the sidelines. Friends were made and continents were united. While one team won and lost, the real victory were the bonds forged on the court.Tired but filled with joy, the students got back on the bus too head to Market Mall to feast on Canadian delicacies and make more connections with their peers. After their wonderful meal, the students embarked on a nail-biting scavenger hunt in the stores. With a winner chosen and stomachs full the students headed back to SAIT for game night in their apartments. The competitive atmosphere increased as the games started.The night was ended by everyone gathering in the common room to congratulate Alex for being the 'student of the day' and Tiger for his outstanding display of physical prowess in hockey.We cannot wait to see what tomorrow holds as we leave Calgary and head to the wonders of Banff!![AFG_gallery id='391']