Hooting Snowy Owls/Hissing Prairie Rattlesnakes - Happy Birthday Canada! - July 1, 2016


The students woke up Friday, July 1st with their teacher's excitement radiating through their red and white t-shirts and decorations. Today is Canada Day, Canada’s birthday, and today Canada turned 149 years old. As per usual, the students went to their breakfast groups, but discovered that today they were the cooks! They spoiled each other as well as their teachers with full breakfasts consisting of bacon, eggs, toast and waffles. With full stomachs each student headed to their first lesson. The students worked on improving their English during their 3 morning lessons. The final lesson focused on Canadian trivia and the history of Canada Day! The students listened to their favourite Canadian artists as they decorated themselves in tattoos and red clothing in the spirit of Canadian pride.After the students dressed in as much red and white as they were able to, the students gathered outside of the SAIT residences near the soccer field, which overlooked Calgary's downtown core. The teachers surprised the students with a beautiful, loud, and almost pitch-perfect chorus of Canada’s national anthem - "O Canada." The students supported their teachers by taking many pictures and videos while simultaneously realizing why their teachers had not chosen a career in singing.Now it was time to head into the city! The students and teachers strolled leisurely into the city, stopping to take many photos along the way. Tattoos and stickers were continuously passed around during the walk and bystanders stopped to admire the beautiful group of students.The students arrived at their next stop: the Songhan restaurant. While the students enjoyed their delicious meals, Luigi came in first for the most tattoos, with a grand total of 17. The walk continued and everyone arrived at their final destination for the day - Prince’s Island.Prince’s Island was completely packed with families, concerts, food and events - with nothing but red to see for miles.The students started their afternoon by walking around Prince’s park looking at the beautiful view of the river and also watching the free concerts. After spending Canada day with their new friends, they met back together in the open field. Games emerged amongst the students ranging from frisbee to soccer to volleyball and football. Students switched sports as they pleased and friendships were continuously made and strengthened on this beautiful sunny day. Hours went by in this field and not a single student stopped participating or smiling.Although exhausted, the teachers noticed the peacefulness and happiness emanating from each student. New friends walked home together, singing and chatting about their day. The teachers and students stopped at Safeway and bought groceries to prepare their own dinners. Everyone enjoyed their home-cooked meals of stir-fry, tacos, hamburgers, salads and much more.This wonderful day ended with the students gathering on the 14th floor to enjoy the colourful show of fireworks.Happy Canada Day![AFG_gallery id='393']