Migrating Pacific Salmon - Movies and Shopping! - August 3, 2017


This sunny morning we woke up with glee. Why? Because the students knew today was shopping day!We ate our breakfast at the caf; we enjoyed waffles with syrup and fruit compote.Next we powered through three lessons. Students learned about and practiced Canadian line dancing, wrote scary stories, learned about Canadian history through examining our currency, and discussed and debated theories of happiness/what makes people happy.After lunch, we took our big yellow bus to the metro mall - one of Vancouver's largest malls. Students were ecstatic and shopped until they dropped.For supper we divided and conquered; some of us tried Thai food, while others had Subway sandwiches or Vietnamese food.Finally it was time for the movies! The options were "War for Planet of the Apes", "Despicable Me 3", or "Dunkirk". We all had a blast! And to boot the popcorn was delicious.We slept snug like bugs in rugs.[AFG_gallery id='712'][AFG_gallery id='713']