Splashing Snapping Turtles - August 3, 2017 - Hockey, Climbing and Casino Night


Wow what a busy day for our turtles! We started the day off bright and early in our breakfast groups with our new Chinese friends that arrived last night. Then we had two fun English lessons to get to know each other and do great activities!We then headed over to the Trojan Arena for hockey! It was the first time for many of us as we ran around on the ice in our running shoes. We learned how to pass the puck, how to stick handle, played a few games then had a shoot-out! What a fun time!After hockey, we walked back and had a great third English lesson then had lunch and boy were we starved! We had noodles and chicken today to fuel us up for afternoon activities.We headed to the bus then half of us started off at the Stronghold Centre for rock climbing. We learned how to belay and how to climb like little monkeys! The other half of us went to play golf at a driving range. We learned how to hit the ball and had a competition for boys and girls of who could hit the ball furthest. Then the groups swapped activities.After our activities, the turtles went for a filling lunch at Swiss Chalet for chicken, mashed potatoes and french fries. Then we returned to SAIT and got all dressed up for Casino Night. We headed across the street to the Tower basement to play fun gambling games with our Wynchemna money such as Blackjack, Bingo, Spoons and Cheat. We also had yummy snacks and drinks! The fun-filled night ended with a blind auction for Canadian souvenirs.Off to bed now for the turtles as we got another long but great day ahead of us tomorrow![AFG_gallery id='714']