Monarch Butterflies - July 15, 2017 : Paper Clip Game and Casino Night


Today was a fun, game-filled day!We started with our usual breakfast groups, and three lessons, where we learnt about Canadian animals and how to recycle.We had healthy lunch, which included vegetables, chicken, rice, and lots of fruits, to fuel us for the activities.After lunch, we headed out for the Paper Clip Game. We started out in 3 groups, each with a small red paper clip. We had to ask people we found on the street if they wanted to trade the paper clip with us for another object. We kept trading the objects, and met back up to compare what all three groups ended up with. We ended up with some unique items!! Pink Himalayan salt, a fidget spinner, a black baseball cap.All three groups joined up at the grocery store, where we went grocery shopping for our group dinners! In our groups, we all pitched in and made delicious Chinese noodles and veggies. For dessert we ate watermelon.The last activity of the day was a fun night at our pop-up casino, complete with a mini bar of ice-cream and soda. The kids were all given Wynchemna money to use to bet during their games of bingo, black jack, uno and to buy snacks.We finished off the night with a auction, where we used the rest of our Wynchemna money to bid on souvenir-like items.Everyone was so positive and willing to participate. We're looking forward to tomorrow's games![AFG_gallery id='617']