Paddling River Otters – July 1st, 2018 – Canada Day


Today at Wynchemna we had a fantastic time celebrating Canada Day! First, we ate a delicious breakfast. By now, the students are all familiar with the routine of preparing breakfast. Some rooms had waffles and pancakes, while others had eggs, bacon, and other delicious Canadian foods.After breakfast, the students had Canada Day themed lessons. They learnt a variety of things, from Canadian history, to information about Canadian customs, sports, and traditions. Some teachers even did a fun Jeopardy game show!Following the lessons, the students prepared for Canada Day by putting on some temporary tattoos and dressing in Red and White. Following this, the students went outside to see the teachers sing O Canada in both English and French!The students then visited Prince’s Island Park in Downtown Calgary to celebrate Canada Day! They walked around to see local street performers and vendors, as well as played sports in a large field.Finally, the students went over to a grocery store with the teachers to pick out ingredients for the supper they were going to cook together. The dishes varied from spaghetti, to rice with sauce, to Caesar salad, to crepes and other delicious foods.The students had a great time celebrating Canada Day and look forward to tomorrow![AFG_gallery id='751']