Pouncing Forest Lynxes – July 8th, 2018 - Badminton, Skating, and Swimming


Today at Wynchemna, the students started off with a late breakfast. After breakfast, there was a quick lesson before everyone jumped on the bus to head to Southland Leisure Centre for badminton, skating, and swimming. One group started with skating, while the other started with badminton. This was the first time that many students skated, and by the end of skating, most students were professionals!After skating and badminton, the students had a delicious Tim Hortons lunch with wraps, veggies, donuts, and juice.Following lunch, the students went inside to the wave pool for swimming. They went on the waterslides, floated around the waves on inflatable rings, as well as jumped off a giant swinging ball.The students then came back for another lesson, before going out to Swiss Chalet for a tasty chicken, mashed potato, and salad dinner.After another lesson, the students took out money to prepare for shopping at Chinook Mall tomorrow![AFG_gallery id='762']