A Delicious Stampede Breakfast!

Today we started off our day bright and early at the Northhill Mall to eat at the Stampede Breakfast! We ate some scrumptious pancakes and sausages while asking Canadians some questions about Stampede. The students had some amazing conversations with people from all across Canada! Not only did we eat and mingle but our students hopped onto the dance floor and line-danced in front of the entire crowd! The audience loved it, and joined in with the students. We have some professional dancers here at Wynchemna!

In the afternoon, we settled down by getting our laundry done before our big camping trip. We followed our washing with a yummy butter chicken lunch at SAIT! We shared our stories from the Stampede Breakfast and talked about what we are most excited for about camping. After lunch we had 3 amazing lessons about romance, bucket lists, and improv!

In the evening we had a lovely dinner at the SAIT Tower. Although we arrived a little early, Teacher Calvin had an amazing improv game that had us laughing the whole wait! Following dinner, the students tidied up their rooms and started packing for our camping trip. The students are buzzing with excitement and are ready for the week in the woods! Stay tuned!