Bobcats Hit the Ice!

The Wynchemna Bobcats had another exciting day today! The day began with some interesting lessons about role models, residential schools, presenting their invitations to a celebration of their choice and making resumes for an AI generated person. After our lessons we made our way over to the University of Calgary where we enjoyed some Vietnamese food for lunch.

With our belly’s full, we geared up with our skates and helmets and got ready to ice skate on the Olympic Oval! One of the only skating Olympic ovals left in the world!

All students tried and enjoyed skating on the ice! Everyone had tons of fun and showed lots of improvement throughout our time there! Some of the groups skated for the first time by the end of our time the improvement was outstanding!

After skating we came back to SAIT to prepare for our upcoming talent show! The Bobcats are so excited to show off their talents on Monday!

After lots of practice, we hopped back onto the bus to enjoy a nice dinner at Denny’s. Students had meals such as eggs and bacon, nachos, and chicken sandwiches! It was a very tasty meal!

We ended our evening at Loose Moose to watch their comedy show where we shared lots of laughter! Students were so happy to see a real show after having their workshop a couple of days ago!

What a great day!!