Diving into Lessons and the Pool!

After a delicious breakfast, we dove into our first day of lessons! The students are split into 4 classes: The Stampeders, The Flames, The Hitmen, and The Dinos, all named after Calgarian sports teams. The students learned about more about each other in class through activities and discussions. After a wave of learning the students headed to IKEA for a hearty lunch. Following our meal, we went to the sports complex for some swimming and sports! Students showed off their impressive flips, dives and slides in the pool! After hours of swimming the crew washed up onto the courts for some friendly competitive squash and badminton. Although it was many of the students first time in the squash room they absolutely killed it! We had a delicious supper at the University of Calgary, sharing laughs over our meal. Lastly, we took the C Train back to campus to have one last evening lesson before ending our night.