International Supper and Karaoke night!

Today at Wynchemna students had a late morning after a spending the day at Drumheller. Morning breakfast was followed by another round of lessons where they wrapped up their visit to the Royal Tyrell Museum, participated in a reading-relay-race, and learned what weird items are and aren’t allowed through airport security. The Wynchemna teacher continue to develop active and exciting lessons that promote. communication and functional English learning. Students continued to discover new words and practice their skills in communicating while further meeting each other and building relationships.

After morning lessons and a scrumptious lunch at the North Hill Mall, students began to shop and prepare for our International supper. Students grouped together according to nationality and decided on a dish to prepare for everyone to try. Students had to plan out a list of ingredients and choose a chef prior to international supper night. After purchasing their ingredients and carefully planning their preparation the chefs from each country were aided by students from different countries. After hours of preparation the night culminated in various tastes from around the world including bubble tea, carbonara, hotpot, sopes, crepes, croquettes, schnitzel and more. Each student had an opportunity to try authentic foods from their new friends home countries. The Wynchemna day then ended with Karaoke night where students sung and danced the night away. An early night precedes an early morning where the Wynchemna students will head off to the West Edmonton Mall for a long day of shopping and swimming!