Hissing Prairie Rattlesnakes - International Supper! - July 18th 2016
Hissing Prairie Rattle...Teachersacapella, Adele, adventure, Celine Dion, Chef, children, china, collars, Cooking, Eminem, English, ESL, fire, friendship, Gloria, Happy Hut, hat, Hello, I Will Survive, International, italy, japan, karaoke, lessons, Let it Go, Love, mexico, pants, Passion, plates, quarters, Sandman, sleep, Spain, student of the day, sunny, taiwan, Teacher of the day
Hooting Snowy Owls / Hissing Prairie Rattlesnakes - Paper Clip Game and Improv Night at Loose Moose - July 2, 2016
Hissing Prairie Rattle..., Hooting Snowy Owls (Ju..., UncategorizedTeachersadventure camp, barbies, books, candles, Dennys, ESL, friendship, Fun, Games, Happy Hut, HeyHo, improve, international student, Loose Moose, omlets, paper clips, photos, piggy banks, School Bus