Pouncing Forest Lynxes – July 12, 2018 – International Supper and Karaoke
Paddling River Otters - July 10th - Stampede Breakfast and Karaoke
Galloping Western Mustangs - July 29th, 2017 - The International Experience
Singing Water Loons - July 21, 2017 - The Cooking Water Loons
Thumping Snowshoe Hares - July 8th, 2017 - International Supper
Yelping Red Foxes - International Supper, Karaoke - July 30th, 2016
Bugling Woodland Caribous - Calaway Park - July 29, 2016
Bugling Woodland Carib..., UncategorizedTeachersall day, amusement, calaway park, carnival, cotton candy, ESL, ESL adventure, Fun, Games, karaoke, music, popcorn, Rides, Roller Coasters, Singing
Hooting Snowy Owls - International Dinner & Karaoke - July 20, 2016
Hissing Prairie Rattlesnakes - International Supper! - July 18th 2016
Hissing Prairie Rattle...Teachersacapella, Adele, adventure, Celine Dion, Chef, children, china, collars, Cooking, Eminem, English, ESL, fire, friendship, Gloria, Happy Hut, hat, Hello, I Will Survive, International, italy, japan, karaoke, lessons, Let it Go, Love, mexico, pants, Passion, plates, quarters, Sandman, sleep, Spain, student of the day, sunny, taiwan, Teacher of the day
Echoing Pacific Loons - International Supper and Karaoke - July 7, 2016
Chuckling Bison - July 23 2015 - Good eats and good beats
Calgary, Chuckling Bison (July ...TeachersCalgary, chile, china, czech republic, france, groups, International Supper, japan, karaoke, kazaksthan, Safeway, taiwan, team work, tops, wynchemna
Growling Grizzlies - July 9 2015 - Good Food Good Company
Calgary, Growling Grizzlies (Ju...Teacherschina, france, germany, international dinner, italy, japan, karaoke, mexico, Stampede Breakfast, summer 2015, taiwan
Bellowing Buffalo - August 6, 2014 - International Supper and Karaoke
Piping Woodpeckers - July 31, 2014
Humming Owls - July 13, 2014