Brooding Whooping Cranes - Kayaking, Football, and Rollerskating - July 29, 2016
Brooding Whooping Cran..., Brooding Whopping Cran...TeachersCalgary, calgarycanoeclub, children, classphoto, ESL, Family, football, Fun, Kayaking, Rollerskating, wynchemna
Hissing Prairie Rattlesnakes - International Supper! - July 18th 2016
Hissing Prairie Rattle...Teachersacapella, Adele, adventure, Celine Dion, Chef, children, china, collars, Cooking, Eminem, English, ESL, fire, friendship, Gloria, Happy Hut, hat, Hello, I Will Survive, International, italy, japan, karaoke, lessons, Let it Go, Love, mexico, pants, Passion, plates, quarters, Sandman, sleep, Spain, student of the day, sunny, taiwan, Teacher of the day