Soaring Horned Owls – August 10 – A Loose Moose climbed up a sandy beach?
Cunning Arctic Foxes - August 4th, 2018
Soaring Horned Owls - August 4, 2018 - Loose Moose and Board Games!
Soaring Horned Owls (J..., UncategorizedWynchemna Teachers 2017Acting, board games, Dennys, education, ESL, Improv, international supper prep, Loose Moose Workshop, owls, soaring horned owls
Stomping Striped Porcupines- July 27, 2018 – Tent Games, and another Loose Moose??
Stomping Striped Porcupines- July 26, 2018 - Football, Kayaking and a Loose Moose?
Stomping Striped Porcu...Wynchemna Teachers 2017# lizzie mcguire, #help im still locked in a computer room, #not soccer, #paddle, ESL, football, Improv, kayak, lasagna, Loose Moose
Paddling River Otters - July 20th, 2018 - Baseball, Canoeing and Loose Moose
Singing Water Loons - July 29, 2017 - Ice Skating and Loose Moose
August 7th 2016 - Skating - Bugling Woodland Caribous
July 30th - Rock Climbing, Volleyball, and Loose Moose - Brooding Whooping Cranes
Brooding Whooping Cran..., Brooding Whopping Cran...Teachersadventure camp, apple crisp, bagle, baking, bars, boulders, bus, Canadian, cereal, climbing, culture, dessert, ESL, fire, grapes, Hail, harness, Ice, Improv, labels, languages, Loose, Loose Moose, Meals, Moose, muscles, not burnt, pipes, reservation, shopping, sky, sleepy, storm, swiss chalet, tags, theatre, timers, tired, Volleyball, yellow
July 28th, 2016 - Golf, Rock climbing, Hockey! - Brooding Whooping Cranes
Brooding Whopping Cran..., UncategorizedTeachersCompetition, English, ESL, Golf, Hockey, Improv, risks, rock climbing, TAKE
Yelping Red Foxes - Ice Hockey, Loose Moose Workshop - July 21st, 2016
Hissing Prairie Rattlesnakes - July 17, 2016 - Skating and Improv
Chuckling Bison - July 30, 2015 - Football, Kayaking, & Improv Fun Out in the Sun!
Chuckling Bison - July 25, 2015 - More Soccer Ferocity & Another Amazing Improv Show!
Calgary, Chuckling Bison (July ...TeachersCalgary, culture, culture shock, Improv, indoor soccer, Laundry, Loose Moose, psychic, wynchemna
Growling Grizzlies - July 14 2015 - Kayaking Football and Comedy Improv Workshop
Screaming Eagles - July 19th